3. Rayaan

Listening to some classic piano pieces while staring at the moon, I was having thousands of thoughts. One after the other they were weaving themselves, preventing me from getting an inch of sleep for the night. And knowing that Diya was watching movies right next to my room with Raag didn’t make it better. 

Why the hell can't I replace Raag in her life ?
Why is he so important to her.

Because he replaced you years before.
Because he trusted her when no one did. When you yourself turned your back to her. 

My conscience was always against me. This time as well. Staring at that dull ceiling was not helping me at all, instead a good stroll on the terrace while staring at the moon and the stars was a better idea. Getting up, I wore my sweatshirt, well I am more comfortable when I sleep shirtless. Nevermind, coming out of my room, I halted my steps right before Diya’s room and to my surprise, there was complete silence. Maybe they slept after getting tired. 


The urge to punch down Raag and pull Diya out of the room with me, somewhat burned my heart. But knowing I was no one to her till we married pulled me back. Forcing myself to move ahead of their room, I climbed the stairs leading towards the terrace. Reaching before the door of the terrace I found it already unlocked. Raag wasn’t so careless as to forget to lock the terrace door. Even though our mansion has the best security, prevention is always better than cure. I moved closer only to hear some humming sounds coming from there. Without wasting a second, I barged inside, to witness a flinching Diya. Her eyes widened when she saw me, pulling down her airpods. She looked at me with her bambi-brown-doe-like eyes in a questioning manner. She looked so cute. No. Focus Rayaan ! Focus. 

Somewhere in my heart, I was relieved to know that she wasn’t sleeping with Raag. Releasing a deep sigh, I sat down on a bean bag, opposite to her. As soon as she looked at me sitting down, with no motive of leaving soon, she stood up, gathered her notebook which I had failed to notice till now and wrapped her shawl around her.

“Sit Diya.” I asked her to receive another questioning look. Not bothering to answer her question, I shrugged my shoulders. But being a stubborn one as always, she proceeded to leave. Without any other word, I pulled her wrist which resulted in her ending up on me. And of course, being sole enemies, we didn’t have that eye-staring shit. She got up at the speed of light and cleared her throat before sitting in her seat once again. 

“So why are you here at this time ?” I looked at her.

“The reason why you are here.” Her answers were never normal. Nor was she. 

“It was just a simple- leave it. What have you thought about this marriage shit going on ?” Leaning back, I saved myself from getting a back ache. 

“Oh about that, I was just making the guest list. You know too many friends from abroad, plus school and workplace. Just a bit hectic.” She smiled at me ever so innocently as if we were destined to marry. My eyes widened at her response, with my jaw touching the floor. 

“What the fuck ? Why the hell would you prepare a guest list when we won’t marry ?” I yelled at her. Of course anyone at my place would. 

“Umm we won’t ?” Now she was getting on my nerves. 

“What is wrong with you Diya ? Obviously we won’t !” I replied with the same rage. In reply she rolled her eyes at me. 

She. Fucking. Rolled.Her. Eyes. At. The. Rayaan Singania.

“Of course I know it. But what the hell can we do ? Fight them ? Knowing that this is inevitable. So here you dumbhead listen to me. Let’s do a contract marriage or something like that.” Her words bounced above my head. 

“What ?” Cluelessly I questioned her intentions. 

“Have you ever watched dramas or what, duh ? Where do you live, in a cave ? Contract marriage literally means we will sign a contract which would have do’s and don'ts of the marriage. And this would remain only amongst us and Raag. We can’t interfere in each others’ lives until it’s about public reputation or our families. We will live like total strangers at home and would indulge in conversations only when needed. Simple conclusion, ‘hum apne kaam se kaam rakhenge’.” 
(We will mind our own business.)

“So our families will think we are well settled as a couple and later we can divorce. Right ?” I exclaimed at her brilliance. 

“Exactly. Pfft. You are quite slow.” She shrugged her shoulders and picked up her journal. 

“But why would you involve Raag in our planning ?” I asked with a hint of uneasiness at his mention again. 

“Because he is my best friend ? He has the right to know about every single decision I take and the smallest events of my life.” She answered as if I was habitual to it, when I clearly ain’t. No matter how many years go by, I can’t forget the fact that I was her best friend once, to whom she would share the tiniest details of her life. From her lowest scores to her never ending fictional boyfriends. I knew them all. But now it seems as if I don’t know her anymore. She isn’t how she used to be. And I’m well aware that it’s me who is the root of all these unfortunate turns and changes in our lives.. 

“I’ll leave then. Let’s finalise the plan after discussing it with Raag.” And with that she moved out of the terrace. Running my hands through my jet black hair, I left a sigh. She was too close to Raag. 

But when she can discuss it with her male best friend, why the hell can’t I ?
Because you never had one after Diya. 

Damn shit. Why the hell did that happen !

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